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Take it or leave it....

I've been given lots of advice over the years...thank you everyone.

Most of it turned out to be fashionable platitude.

Sorry everyone.

I try not to give advice because really, how would I know?

Sometimes however I observe and because I'm human I come to conclusions. One thing before I observe, to your horror, disgust, or for your reading pleasure.

I have an ongoing dialogue with myself and selected others, real and imaginary. Sometimes my dog, he's a good listener, not judgmental, unless it concerns food or lizards.

My opinion fluctuates. My conclusions are always subject to change. I mention this because...

When I was going through my absolutely sure of it, stage, I thought it was flakey to change my mind. These days I appreciate my flexibility and call it reasonable and adult and I assert my right to revise anything, anytime, for any reason.

If you're still at the absolutely certain stage in your life where you have to make a decision and stick to it no matter what, stay with me, this will itch a bit but it could be useful.

Anyone still with me? Ok. To those of you who are left. Well done you passed the first trial. On to the observations.

I have observed that being present right here right now and throughout your life is important. Yeah no brainer. Good for you if that's what you're thinking, but it took me a while. You could have mentioned it by the way.

Once upon a time there was a girl who was always somewhere else in her head. Of course she was, she is a writer, I hear you say. But no. Not the interesting, creating an alternate world somewhere else.

The on auto pilot somewhere else.

Lack of guidance, experience, clarity, whatever, meant that decisions made themselves over the years. Always looking for the next thing, took her completely away from her present. Eye off the ball.

Then she awakened one day, looked around and thought, where am I? How did I get here? Very scary.

So on reaching this point things that may come to mind include, OMG ! I'm way off course, how will I ever become an Astronaut, Ballet dancer, Tattoo artist now. Full panic mode. I should have. I would have. I could have. Its too late now.

So what's done is done, right? NO NO NO. Calm down tiger.

To avoid this frightening experience occurring ..... again, You should try to remember that every moment of your life deserves 100% of your attention. Then what? Nothing has changed!

I'll tell you what I think is helpful. It's never too late to:

Start where you are,

Use what you have and

Do what you can.

Best observation ever. No room for procrastination. Arthur Ashe, I believe.

Life is a patchwork of situations that require varying degrees of attention. To get the best outcome, it pays to really be present. Watch over yourself and if you're starting now and you think it's too late, it's not.

Go. Do. Be. xx

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